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What is Outdoorsy?

Outdoorsy is the largest and safest community-driven RV marketplace for renting RVs directly from local RV owners. We don’t own a fleet of identical, anonymous RVs with giant billboards down the side and a million miles on the odometer. Instead, we connect RV owners with folks who want to experience the RV life without having to own one themselves. We make it safe for RV owners to rent out their rigs and earn money, and we make is easy for travelers to rent great vehicles from dependable and knowledgeable owners. Our goal is to help people get rolling to the best locations in the country—and to have the time of their lives doing it.

We started Outdoorsy with the belief that everyone should have the chance to experience the great outdoors. And that meant creating a platform with unlimited range, including trailers, toy haulers, fifth wheels, Class A RVs, Class B RVs and Class C RVs, as well as garden variety trailers and motorhomes.