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Über Robert Di Salvo

After having living in my Van on and off for a year, I decided I wanted other to be able to experience the joys that I have. Take my home on the road and enjoy some of the beautiful places Alberta/BC have to offer.

Outdoorsy MitgliedGastgeber seit Juni 2023


91 % AntwortquoteAntwortet normalerweise in weniger als 6 Stunden

Erinnerungen, die während Reisen mit dem Freizeitmobil von Robert Di Salvo entstanden sind

Edouard B.

5Oktober 2023

Awesome experience. Fully equipped, nothing missing. I can only recommend. Rob was very helpful and reactive.
We faced freezing temperature but we never felt cold in the van thanks to the gas heater. Also toilet add on is a real plus that you should take. Thanks again.

1 Foto eingereicht von Edouard B.

Evan S.

5September 2023

Daniel C.

5August 2023

Fantastic rental. Cannot speak more highly of the vehicle or about Robert as a host. Van has everything you might need for a comfy and enjoyable trip. Hope you get a chance to rent!