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Über Marcus Welty

Hello! Marcus and Sydney here! We're from Henderson, NV and love to get outdoors whenever we can. Whether it's skiing and snowboarding in the winter, exploring a forest and climbing during the spring and fall, or hitting the river/lake during the summer, we can't get enough! We love to bring our two pups (Molly & Oddie) along wherever we go. We've enjoyed taking our travel trailer out and are excited to share our little home away from home with you!

Outdoorsy MitgliedGastgeber seit Mai 2023


94 % AntwortquoteAntwortet normalerweise in einer Stunde

Erinnerungen, die während Reisen mit dem Freizeitmobil von Marcus Welty entstanden sind

John P.

5September 2023

Nathaniel M.

5August 2023